Our snow days have kept us a little bored around here for the past week. We were able to have our first day of second semester, but then the winter storm hit, and the administration team decided to close until Monday. Which by the way, is going to be a packed day! Besides a regular day of school there is a 2 hour meeting to attend and 4 basketball games. Basically, we are enjoying the bit of down time before the rush of the next semester begins.
The view from our back patio. So pretty! It was only about an inch and it's already melted almost completely.
Aren't the trails just beautiful?
The weather being southern as always is going to reach 60 degrees next week. There are 5 separate trails at the park we went to and we only managed to try 2 of them, so we are anxious for more warm weather and free Saturdays. Looks like we won't have to wait much longer!
Since we have had a lot of time to think and relax, Daniel and I decided on one New Years Resolution for the two of us. We each have several individual goals, but we wanted to work on one thing together specifically. Our relationship with God. We both felt that this has been lacking in our marriage over the past year and a half, so we discussed at length what to do about it. Daniel is away often, so we knew we needed something that wouldn't been ultra time-consuming. It had to be something that would work for us as a couple.
I think quite often we try copy other's lives too much. We tend to think that we need to do exactly what works well for someone else, but we neglect to think if it will actually work for us. So Daniel and I did what we thought would be best and easiest and most attainable for our family.
Pray after supper together every day except for game days.
And then we made a list of what to pray for each day of the week. We chose after dinner because I am not a morning person, and we both like to spend time chatting together in bed before we go to sleep. We also decided that even if we watched something while we ate dinner, we would still take time to pray after that, whether it be a 30 minute show or a 2 hour movie on a Friday night. Sometimes we spend 2 minutes praying. Sometimes we spend 20. But we don't get frustrated when we forget or if something comes up. We want this habit to carry over no matter where we are in life. So we are starting now.
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