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Showing posts from November 14, 2018

a special opportunity

Daniel and I are excited to be hosting two international students this year! Our school has a good-sized program, bringing in 10 - 20 international students each year from all different countries. The majority of our students are from Asian countries (Japan, China, and South Korea mainly), but we have recently started attracting more students from Europe. Daniel and I volunteered to keep two boys, one from China and one from Italy. Initially, we were a little worried about them getting along. After all, two totally different ways of life are being meshed with American culture, and then having to mesh with with another culture? It was going to be a lot. So, we came up with a game plan to try to ensure that life went as smoothly as possible for each of them, as well as for us! Both boys were able to arrive in the US early enough to recover from jet lag before the start of school. In the beginning days, we did lots of shopping trips to make sure everyone had what they needed for sch...