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Showing posts from December 31, 2016

the Bible in 90 days . . . finished!

I am finished with my Bible reading plan! I didn't quite complete it in 90 days, and towards the end I had no motivation at all, but it is done. It took me 104 days total, but I felt that even though I got off schedule, it was a huge accomplishment for me. I would definitely recommend this plan to everyone desiring to know God more and to challenge themselves spiritually in a different way. There were days when the reading was really difficult, and it was all I could do to finish the assigned passage, and then there were days when I nearly read two days worth of reading in one sitting! There are so many pieces of Scripture that came alive in a new way, but there were also passages that never seemed to get any clearer as I read them, proving to me the necessity of a daily Bible reading/studying habit. I do plan at some point in the near future (aka, sometime in 2017) to purchase a chronological Bible and read through it, although at a slower pace this time. Now that I have the b...