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top 5 favorite board games

Daniel and I love to play games! It comes more from my side of the family than from his, so I had to introduce him to a few of my family's best games before he joined in my enthusiasm for them. Our collection has grown over the first year of our marriage quite a bit, and we are always on the lookout for a new one.

For our first Thanksgiving together we started our special tradition of purchasing a game (or 2) to play on Thanksgiving Day. Last Thanksgiving we added Bananagrams and Dutch Blitz. We have about 15 games in our humble, ever expanding collection, most of them strategy games.

Here is our top 5 list of our favorite games to play together:
Image result for scotland yard game

1. Scotland Yard. This strategy game can be played with up to 6 people, so it's one we often take to friends houses. 5 detectives are racing around London to try to find and successfully capture Mr. X. Mr. X only pops up every few moves, so the detectives must work together to encircle and hopefully catch the criminal. 

Image result for ticket to ride nordic countries

2. Ticket to Ride. We have the Nordic Countries version of this game, but we both agreed to start collecting them until we have them all. I don't even know how many versions there are, but it's a lot! Tickets must be carefully selected and then trains must be collected and placed on the board (which is a map of a certain country) in order to create a complete railway between two cities listed on the person's ticket. But be careful! Others are placing their trains as well and are likely going to attempt to cut you off! Keep your destination a secret!

Image result for labyrinth board game

3. Labyrinth. The same company that created Scotland Yard created Labyrinth. It can be played by up to four people at once. Players must navigate a tricky, and constantly changing maze in order to collect tokens from the board. The first player to collect all his assigned tokens wins the game. Other players will try to cut you off and manipulate the maze to help them get to their tokens first, so watch out!Image result for stratego

4. Stratego. Obviously a strategy game, this one is for just 2 players, so Daniel and I really go at it in this game! It's basically capture the flag on a game board. Each player has an army, several bombs, a spy and a flag to protect. All pieces are kept a secret unless a player makes an attack on one. The higher the number, the higher the ranking of the soldier and the more difficult he is to defeat. Once you have located and stolen the enemy's flag, you win!Image result for settler of catan board game
5. Settlers of Catan. This is a game my parents owned, and I played it often with my brothers and sisters. I have many good memories with it! You can play with anywhere from 2 - 5 players in the original, but the newer versions may have more. Each player is collecting resources to build settlements and cities that are worth victory points. It's a race to see who gets to 10 victory points first. Road building, development cards, and ports all can turn the tide of the game in an instant. And watch out for the robber! He can steal resources from any player when activated! There are many expansions to this game and new versions come out every year. Definitely worth collecting!


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