I am finished with my Bible reading plan! I didn't quite complete it in 90 days, and towards the end I had no motivation at all, but it is done. It took me 104 days total, but I felt that even though I got off schedule, it was a huge accomplishment for me.
I would definitely recommend this plan to everyone desiring to know God more and to challenge themselves spiritually in a different way. There were days when the reading was really difficult, and it was all I could do to finish the assigned passage, and then there were days when I nearly read two days worth of reading in one sitting! There are so many pieces of Scripture that came alive in a new way, but there were also passages that never seemed to get any clearer as I read them, proving to me the necessity of a daily Bible reading/studying habit.
I do plan at some point in the near future (aka, sometime in 2017) to purchase a chronological Bible and read through it, although at a slower pace this time. Now that I have the big picture a little better outlined in my mind, I want time to slowly absorb the difficult passages. I missed taking my time through chapters and sometimes even just reading a verse a day.
The biggest thing I learned in my reading may surprise some people. It was the wrath of God. Is our God loving? Absolutely. He would never have given up His Son for us if He wasn't. Is He patient? Yes! He is still waiting for more to come to salvation despite the daily plea of Christians for His return. But He is also a jealous, angry God who cannot see sin and turn a blind eye. He does not look down on man and condone the wrong he does because of family situations or lack of education or personality. Sin is sin. It is wrong and must be punished, and eventually (hallelujah!) wiped from the face of the earth. This does not mean He is not in control of His anger or is going to snap at some point in the future and just destroy all of the universe. It saddens Him to see our wrongdoings and He will patiently wait as long as is right to allow those who reject Him to change their minds.
Incredible? Yes. I am so thankful to serve such a holy God Who knows so much and has infinite wisdom! This Bible reading plan has given me a tiny glimpse into His character, and I am carefully considering how to study my Bible next to see more of that character revealed.
I would definitely recommend this plan to everyone desiring to know God more and to challenge themselves spiritually in a different way. There were days when the reading was really difficult, and it was all I could do to finish the assigned passage, and then there were days when I nearly read two days worth of reading in one sitting! There are so many pieces of Scripture that came alive in a new way, but there were also passages that never seemed to get any clearer as I read them, proving to me the necessity of a daily Bible reading/studying habit.
I do plan at some point in the near future (aka, sometime in 2017) to purchase a chronological Bible and read through it, although at a slower pace this time. Now that I have the big picture a little better outlined in my mind, I want time to slowly absorb the difficult passages. I missed taking my time through chapters and sometimes even just reading a verse a day.
The biggest thing I learned in my reading may surprise some people. It was the wrath of God. Is our God loving? Absolutely. He would never have given up His Son for us if He wasn't. Is He patient? Yes! He is still waiting for more to come to salvation despite the daily plea of Christians for His return. But He is also a jealous, angry God who cannot see sin and turn a blind eye. He does not look down on man and condone the wrong he does because of family situations or lack of education or personality. Sin is sin. It is wrong and must be punished, and eventually (hallelujah!) wiped from the face of the earth. This does not mean He is not in control of His anger or is going to snap at some point in the future and just destroy all of the universe. It saddens Him to see our wrongdoings and He will patiently wait as long as is right to allow those who reject Him to change their minds.
Incredible? Yes. I am so thankful to serve such a holy God Who knows so much and has infinite wisdom! This Bible reading plan has given me a tiny glimpse into His character, and I am carefully considering how to study my Bible next to see more of that character revealed.
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