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a Mary-Poppins life (aka 5 perks of being a nanny)

I have been a nanny for a little over a year now, and I love what I do! I never expected to be a nanny (after all there really isn't a college degree for it), and I actually studied health and fitness in school. I planned for an awesome career as a personal trainer. Probably the next Jillian Michaels. Watch out world! But then in my senior year of college, I did an internship in personal training and began to realize that I really enjoyed my part-time daycare job more. So upon graduation I halfheartedly applied to some training positions, but began to do some research into babysitting full-time. Shortly after I posted my name on, I was hired! And I have loved every minute of it since.

But back to my main reason for writing this post. Here are my top 5 favorite perks of being a full-time nanny. 

1. I get to play with kids all day long! I really love children and especially the little ones who are just learning to walk and talk and trying new foods. Life is so exciting for them every day! It takes very little to entertain them and who doesn't love to color with a three year old? Their little hands and feet stay so busy with so many different things all day that I am never bored.

2. Little kids take long naps. Unless I am nannying a 10 year old, chances are the kids will all take a nap or at least be happy to play in their rooms for an hour or so while I take a break. Infants will nap for anywhere from 2 - 5 hours a day and even 4 and 5 year olds will often sleep for 2 hours. What could be better than a paid break? I can watch TV, read a book, mess around on the computer, etc. One mom has even let me workout during nap time before. No excuses now! I'm getting paid to workout!

3. The monetary pay is pretty sweet. I have always received a very reasonable rate for nannying. Typically I do have to save carefully to be able to pay my taxes come spring, but it's not really a big deal. I usually get paid weekly or biweekly as well, which can be really nice. One paycheck for taxes, one for rent and food, one for savings, and one for spending.

4. The rewards are priceless. I know, every nanny blogs about the intangible rewards of nannying, but I just couldn't leave it out, because it really is true. The first time a new word is spoken, the first steps, the 5 year old learning to read, the 10 year old finally conquering long division, whatever it is, those moments are priceless. They only happen once, and seeing the accomplishment is huge! I can see the difference I am making in kids lives, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know long after I am gone they will still remember the things I have taught them.

5. I'm going to be one of the world's greatest moms. When I do decide to end my nanny career and take up the role of mother, I will be one of the best out there. I've seen so many different parenting styles and I know what works and what doesn't. I'm sure I will still make mistakes because everyone does, but I will be years ahead of other new moms. 

All in all, I can't imagine a job I would rather have! I'm pretty proud to be a modern-day Mary Poppins.


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